
Julie and Lolita, November 2021

Hello! Welcome to my humble corner of the internet. I started this site two months ago as a way to immerse myself in the Spruce Meadows Masters tournament. Due to COVID-19, there had not been a tournament there for two years. I realized how much I missed the show jumping, missed the international scene, missed the most beautiful horses in the world. And so I went, with my notepad, laptop and recorder, so I could document everything and immerse myself in the world as much as possible. 

The first day of the tournament, my mom collapsed with a broken leg and once in hospital, we were devastated to learn that she has late-stage cancer. She is currently receiving treatment. This project has been a lifeline for me in my darkest hours. As always, horses have been a savior in my life, a salve to a wounded soul.  

I also restarted riding at a wonderful stable on a lovely mare named Lolita.  

Aren’t we lucky that we love horses so much? Isn’t it cool that we have a passion that is so wonderful and absorbing and brings so much happiness to our lives? Isn’t it nice to know, deep down, that you will always have horses to make you feel better? 

In whatever way you are involved with horses, whether you have your own horse or pony, or maybe you’ve never seen a horse in real life but you love reading and thinking about them, I hope you find the stories here enjoyable, comforting, and inspiring.  

Thanks for reading, 

Julie Claire.  


The Christmas Pony


The Irish Riding Holiday Pt.3